Category: My Class

  • Need academic help? Don’t worry

    Need academic help? Don’t worry

    Rasanya gak cukup rasa syukur ku sama apa y Aku dapatkan Sekarang Terlebih mengenai beasiswa s2 ku .. Alhamdulillah — Dulu,sering Aku berangan angan pingin sekolah keluar negeri , tapi Karena biayanya yang mahal bingit jadi kayaknya g Mungkin Tapi, mamak Slalu bilang.. Kalo kita Pinter, Dengan ilmu bisa bawa kita untuk mencapai apa y…

  • Gender and Adolescent Language

    Gender and Adolescent Language

    The writer done the observation relate to gender and language of adolescent. This observation aimed to determine the aggression and type of language that is used in conversation. In collecting the data, the writer applied the natural approach where she watched the conversation that happened in public facilities, such as; library, dining hall, classroom, and…