Category: teaching strategies
Mengenal si “subject guideline”
Hari ini, Ari pertama masuk cikola… Untuk semester terakhir ini aku ambil 3 mata kuliah: Second language literacy, understanding English for teaching dan designing language learning experience. Ari pertama Masuk sekolah kita dikenalkan sama namanya “housekeeping” , Ini termasuk silabusnya, buku y dipake, rekomendasi bacaan yang bagus, dan yang paling penting, tugas yang ada selama…
Gender and Adolescent Language
The writer done the observation relate to gender and language of adolescent. This observation aimed to determine the aggression and type of language that is used in conversation. In collecting the data, the writer applied the natural approach where she watched the conversation that happened in public facilities, such as; library, dining hall, classroom, and…