“This is for what I’m grateful in every single day of my life
I start it today (29 january 2014) as this is a new day for me”
From 365 Alhamdulillah Project. Posted by Revival’s capture on 1/30/2014 (287 items)
- 1/365,My lovely brother#365alhamdullillahproject
- 2/365 Mesjid Baiturrahim Banda Aceh, in every corner of the city I find this beautifu…
- 3/365, love these big windows at my grandma’s house.. Let "a lot" morning f…
- 4/365, no matter how old I am, I’m still his little baby #365alhamdulillahproject
- 5/365, paddy field and sunset #365alhamdulillahproject
- 6/365, when carrot meets cucumber #365alhamdulillahproject
- 7/365, my time #365alhamdulillahproject
- 8/365, simple lamp #365alhamdulillahproject
- 9/365, masjid Al-Makmur #365alhamdulillahproject
- 10/365, just like me, love changing the clothes, so do my house #365alhamdulillahproj…
- 11/365, Barakallah, happy for my brother #365alhamdulillahprojec
- 12/365, the kids and their "tires" , @pasir putih beach #365alhamdulillahpr…
- 13/365, sister in law wanna be#365alhamdulillahproject
- 14/365, Vainui and her hijab..we have a lot comments that she looks like Acehnese rat…
- 15/365, sisters.. No matter whatever happens, we are siblings! #365alhamdulillahproje…
- 16/365, my brother’s wedding ceremony #365alhamdulillahproject
- 17/365, Love In The air #acehnesewedding #365alhamdulillahproject
- 18/365,rice field with the mountainous background, what more do you expect #365alhamd…
- 19/365, a cute rooster who has two "wives" #365alhamdulillahproject
- 20/365, we start cooking for the wedding and it seems that vainui enjoys much her new…
- 21/365, with price of banana leave more than $10, eating rice wrapped in banana leav…
- 22/365, tissue rose! it is usually for the wedding ceremony where we put it after the…
- 24/365, Acehnese traditional accessories#365alhamdulillahproject
- 25/365, Me: what! U eat rice with banana? Vainui: yes, why? Me : it’s weird —– To…
- 23/365, The model for calendar 2014 of motorcycle brand .. Hahaha #365alhamdulillahp…
- 26/365, she and my beach, Lampuuk. #365alhamdulillahproject
- 27/365, stay in line , waiting for the gasoline 😉 #365alhamdulillahproject
- 28/365, I know how it feels waiting my girlfriend at saloon Hahahha Luckily, I just r…
- 29/365, the view I love the most! Paddy field, I do spoil my eyes #365alhamdulillahpr…
- 30/365, when they sleep holding hands, I know they have been BFF #365alhamdulillahpro…
- 31/365, again, masjid Baiturrahman Banda Aceh #365alhamdulillahproject
- 32/365, vainui and her backpack #365alhamdulillahproject
- 33/365, mini me…need to have one glasses and it’s perfect #365alhamdulillahproject …
- 34/365, the last day Vainui in Banda Aceh, in front of Baiturrahman Mosque #365alhamd…
- 35/365, sunset on the plane from Banda aceh to Jakarta 🙂 #365alhamdulillahproject
- 36/365, the city of Melbourne from our bus window #365alhamdulillahproject
- 37/365, the view from my window , i live on the third floor with a huge window along …
- 38/365, grocery time #365alhamdulillahproject
- 39/365, welcome to Melbourne, going to watch the bird man rally in Mombaa festival #3…
- 40/365, on my way to La Trobe university #365alhamdulillahproject
- 41/365, cafe "writer’s block" inside the library .. Love at firsts sight wi…
- 42/365, lemme deal with this work 🙂 , life as a student #365alhamdulillahproject
- 43/365, a new building called "Sylvia Walton Building" behind our praying r…
- welcome to my Uni, i have been here since last year taking my master program in TESO…
- 45/365, going to my first meeting as a member of PPIA Victoria 2014, I’m assigned as …
- 46/365, sunday morning at La Trobe #365alhamdulillahproject
- 46/365, go to uni always With empty bottle As I know I can refill it easily #365alha…
- 48/365, meet them on Indonesian welcoming event at Indonesian embassy ( 72 Queen roa…
- 49/365, my henna on harmony day #365alhamdulillahproject
- 50/365, grestle is here, flying from Canberra for the graduation ceremony #365alhamd…
- 51/365, congratulation for grestle and thanks for giving me a lot new friends #365al…
- 52/365, attending Indonesian festival with my roomies, Chinese – Ecuadorian -Tahitian…
- 53/365, "pingin tahu?" , if you can find the word 🙂 #365alhamdulillahproje…
- 54/365, the announcement for strike about the education cuts #365alhamdulillahproject
- 55/365, enjoying my lunch In front of La Trobe Praying room when I notice a jet flew …
- 56/365, the lake that I always pass while I’m jogging, beautiful isn’t it? #365alham…
- 57/365, an apple a day a doctor away , cemilan paling mujarab kalo Lagi lapar.. Xixix…
- 58/365,waiting for security bus to bring me home What a nice day Finish transcriptio…
- 59/365, just received my pink camera strap, match perfectly with my camera bag (Tradi…
- 60/365, don’t get confused Which side is right? The "La Trobe" owner #365a…
- 61/365, A year ago, we were elected as the executive member of PPIA La trobe, so man…
- 62/365,What time is it now? It’s 18:20 Melbourne time, but The sky is still beautiful…
- 63/365, if u can see the rainbow #365alhamdulillahproject #morningrun #healthyhabit
- 64/365, a reminder for my self, a really nice wall sticker, I want it too #365alhamdu…
- 65/365, every time I look at piano, it reminds me of … You, I should take it closer…
- 66/365, so amazed With The interior design of Victoria state library It was the firs…
- 67/365, Acehnese gathering, first gathering after summer holiday.. The best part: ea…
- 68/365, even in the library, don’t get lost >.< #365alhamdulillahproject
- 69/365, always got compliment for this bag I need to keep it "tight" #365…
- 70/365, hahahaha #365alhamdulillahproject
- 71/365, well, it’s clearly which one is my favourite wisdom, keep DREAMING, keep TRYI…
- 72/365, at the end of my study, I wanna my door room full of these postcards #365alha…
- 73/365, remember the level and mind the rule My favorite is the "green zone"…
- 74/365, another picture of Silvia #365alhamdulillahproject
- 75/365, Tukang jam 🙂 #365alhamdulillahproject
- 76/365, using my new filter on phone, just arrived and it looked good #365alhamdulill…
- 77/365, feeling so happy with my academic achievement after little bit upset with my …
- 78/365, Classic #365alhamdulillahproject
- 79/365, crossing The road.. My tip: stay behind a person in front of u if u don’t wan…
- 80/365, just let her go.. She crawled all around.. #365alhamdulillah
- 81/365,the girl behind the bar, Gaby #365alhamdulillahproject
- 82/365, it has been many times I passed this building .. It is in a hilly area and I…
- 83/365, my flight to Canberra just landed at Virgin Australia Terminal Melbourne Airp…
- 84/365, day one in Canberra 🙂 #365alhamdulillahday
- 85/365, Prince William during royal tour in Canberra #365alhamdulillahproject
- 86/365, ANZAC day in Canberra ,"lest we forget" hari untuk memperingati jas…
- 87/365, it has been so long that I came to musical performance Being invited by my f…
- 88/365, my favourite piece of art at National Potrait Gallery Canberra , love that vi…
- 89/365, first time enjoying the view through sky deck in Australia #365alhamdulillahp…
- 90/365, today’s destination , Batemans Bay Two hours driving from Canberra.. Finally …
- 91/365, welcome back to Melbourne #365alhamdulillahproject
- 92/365, this is a name of a country, do you know where is it? #365alhamdulillahprojec…
- 93/365, Happy Birthday Ayah, those words that I wanna say to you, lemme keep in my pr…
- 94/365, just receive my Golden Key’s charm At first it seems like "jimat" …
- 95/365, Living in the third story has been my fate #365alhamdulillahproject
- 96/365, it’s gonna be my year Insyaallah #365alhamdulillahproject
- 97/365, agora #365alhamdulillahproject
- 98/365, finally…#365alhamdulillahproject
- 99/365, Agribio at night, new route for jogging. Too hard to get up in the morning, s…
- 100/365, this year’s achievement 🙂 #365alhamdulillahproject#latrobrawards
- 101/365, feeling guilty for bElated birthday #365alhamdulillahproject
- 102/365, our awesome pavlova for Andrea’s party #365alhamdulillahproject
- 103/365, since the winter is getting closer, we moved our morning exercise to evening…
- 104/365, the view in front of my desk- academic life #365alhamdulillahproject
- 105/365, the ice cream truck, it reminds me of Grestl who wanna have this next to the…
- 106/365, day start being nice now #365alhamdulillahproject
- 107/365, where to go #365alhamdulillahproject
- 108/365, I called it "transformer truck" or "Optimus prime" #365a…
- 109/365, some people lucky enough to have that beautiful house #365alhamdulillahproje…
- 110/365, it’s not superman but uperman.. Hahaha #365alhamdulillahproject
- 111/365, Briyani rice from Pak kabir always becomes favourite #365alhamdulillahprojec…
- 112/365, kalo Lagi dekat AMA waktu exam, lapak diperpus pada penuh #365alhamdulillahp…
- 113/365, when the lamp is on ( that window) I know vainui is home..#365alhamdulillahp…
- 114/365, farewell party for those who will graduate this semester and (of course) we …
- 115/365, just can’t wait to use this post card quilt… Happy weekend #365alhamdulill…
- 116/365, sunday morning #365alhamdulillahproject
- 116/365, very enthusiastic and helpful teammates #365alhamdulillahproject
- 118/365, one day I will pose among those pillars with my long dress >.< #365alh…
- 119/365,I just realize it has been a While since I post the picture of myself.. Two …
- 120/365, aaa.. Smoke free #365alhamdulillahproject
- 121/365, Indonesian movie night with Kilatersss #365alhamdulillahproject
- 122/365, UNi at night #365alhamdulillahproject
- 123/365, me, craving for food..my apple and Bumbu pecal.. Western meet Indonesian #36…
- 124/365, yes, be smart 🙂 #365alhamdulillahproject
- 125/365, some delay for pictures now, in final week.. Dealing with "politeness t…
- 126/365, life in between 🙂 #365alhamdulillahproject
- 127/365, daunnya udah pada berguguran dengan masuknya musim dingin … #365alhamdulil…
- 128/365, Semakin ujian Semakin banyak hiburan y ditawarkan, Selain itu.. Selama ujian…
- 130/365, do you see the same thing as mine? Two trees but it looks like one big tree…
- 129/365, mulai nyetok kacang ijo, gula merah, tepung buat bulan puasa.. Ya Allah, ben…
- 131/365, they become my camera holder now #mini_us #365alhamdulillahproject
- 132/365, yes " Revival" is taken from English Dictionary by my mom, I used …
- 133/365, aaaahhh..my eyes are soooo tired, time to go home at sleep, it’s 10 pm alrea…
- 134/365, final submission this semester.. As soon as I print out them, the "happ…
- 135/365, it’s cold and windy but I am happy #365alhamdulillahproject
- 136/365, indecisive , left or right? #365alhamdulillahproject
- 137/365, jangan Ge-eR #365alhamdulillahproject
- 138/365, I’m more interested in its colour than it’s taste :p given by my "I don…
- 139/365, I love food, I can’t eat minim just for the sake of diet , perhaps this book…
- 140/365, that part in the middle seems like the meeting point :p #365alhamdulillahpro…
- 141/365, spent more time in this 3×5 room with the "aquarium window" with m…
- 142/365, it brings back my childhood experience, I was soo excited to open my piggy b…
- 143, finally I’ve Made my choice, perfect match for my camera bag which I left in Ind…
- 144/365, enjoying crepes night With my French girl and tequila With mexican guy, Yes …
- 145/365, received the letter for presidential election next Saturday, you might be ab…
- 146/365, meugang bersama Acehnese in Melbourne
- 147/365, bismillah.. One day one surah for Ramadhan Kareem #365alhamdulillahproject
- 148/365,during winter, the temperature can drop, not only me, but most people cover t…
- 149/365, now, we partner up :p #365alhamdulillahproject
- 150/365, Glenn College, having my winter class in this building #365alhamdulillahproj…
- 151/365, I usually see Asians wear couple things, but not this time..xixixi I can fee…
- 152/365, Agora in winter #365alhamdulillahproject
- 153/365, I like this kind of car, it looks tough 🙂 #365alhamdulillahproject
- 154/365, it has been 1,5 year and I haven’t hug koala yet ~,~ , but still #365alhamdu…
- 155/365, Alhamdulillah after knowing that our NZ visa is granted , we booked the tick…
- 16/365, they are pink, and i like it #365alhamdulillahproject
- 157/365, nom..nom.. Buka puasa diluar #365alhamdulillahproject
- 158/365, just a tree #365alhamdulillahproject
- 159/365, semoga Ramadhan Kali ini buat Berkah buat masa depan Indonesia .. aamiin #36…
- 160/365, goodbye autumn #365alhamdulillahproject
- 161/365, this girl is gonna be my travel mate to New Zealand tomorrow..yayy #365alham…
- 162/365, waiting for our Qantas to New Zealand 🙂 #365alhamdulillahproject
- 163/365, after not that long Journey .. Welcome #365alhamdulillahproject
- 164/365, when I tried to set up my camera to have time set, one nice man offered to t…
- 165/365, Wellington city center #365alhamdulillahproject
- 166/365, "This new year I hope to be with somebody I love … Having my own litt…
- 167/365, my very early in the morning flight to Melbourne.. The sky was amazing.. Tha…
- 168/365, instead of saying "halal meal", they called it "Muslim meal&q…
- 168/365, orchid for my mom #365alhamdulillahproject
- 170/365, my girlfriend, most people have known her , a girl who love calling me "…
- 171/365, one of My team mates for our La Trobe LEadership program #365alhamdulillahpr…
- 172/365, new camera bag for my cutie, a pancake lens.. Received it once I was back fr…
- 173/365, Henna time again.. I’ve never had my nails White now 🙂 #365alhamdulillahpro…
- 174/365, every morning, I wake up with this view #365alhamdulillahproject
- 175/365, sometimes, travelling alone is better, sometimes .. Hahahah #365alhamdulilla…
- 176/365, waiting for the bus at night? No worries 🙂 #365alhamdulillahproject
- 177/365, pray for Gaza #365alhamdulillahproject
- 178/365, the scary ads for Smoking.. I love it, because I have allergy not only the s…
- 180/365, spending whole day with Papa’s Azhar family ( he supposed to be in the pictu…
- 181/365, ADS graduation ceremony #365alhamdulillahproject
- 182/365, hugging for farewell is always hard for me even I feel sad just to look at i…
- 179/365, the end of Ramadhan, Iftar with my "parents" here #365alhamdulilla…
- 183/365, a woman, be Like a Rose, It’s beautiful but hard to pick #365alhamdulillahpr…
- 184/365, my very cheap yet useful headphone … It’s lightweight and stylist :p I wa…
- 185/365, it has been months I’m working on my photo books..the summary of my life in …
- 186/365, my uni 🙂 #365alhamdulillahproject
- 187/365, dawn #365alhamdulillahproject
- 188/365, welcome home #365alhamdulillahproject
- 189/365, friends,you never know when you meet 🙂 #365alhamdulillahproject
- 190/365, enak banget si bapak supir tram.. Duduk paling depan di ruang kaca, dengan p…
- 191/365
- 192/365, view inside coffee shop at uni.. They always change these photos.. Sometimes…
- 192/365, I love to see the pictures hanging on their wall,,every month they change th…
- 194/365, got a warning.. This is my bad, I left my books in the locker over night.. O…
- 195/365, our traditional dancers 🙂 during Indonesian day
- 196/365, wuu.. That’s a lot of money , start saving ,quit smoking #365alhamdulillahpr…
- 197/365, gonna miss this spot, third level zone C #365alhamdulillahproject
- 198/365, this is the candid picture of me and gaby .. It’s special, it is the first t…
- 199/365, get a Box of strawberry from my roomie right before Iftar #365alhamdulillahp…
- 200/365, Empty seat special for our bags , on the way for our Independence Day celebr…
- 201/365, I love collecting currency from different countries, today I’ve got one from…
- 202/365, this photo book is my life in Australia , I know I have thousand pictures in…
- 203/365, a free book… Yayy #365alhamdulillahproject
- 204/365,puppy look from the pot 🙂 #365alhamdulillahproject
- 205/365, the praying room, the second most visit place after library , very convenien…
- 206/365, receive This letter from Residential .. Thanks for the appreciation #365alh…
- 207/365, my classroom and my studymate.. So glad to be Friend With positive minded pe…
- 208/365, I love decorating my room #365alhamdulillahproject
- 209/365, the bridge to my house , it’s become more beautiful after spring comes, the …
- 210/365, every time I open my bedroom window, my old apartment is the view #365alham…
- 211/365, jadi malam pun jadi balikin bukunya #365alhamdulillahproject
- 212/365, ini Kali kedua dapat kiriman Dari Marie, cewek Ramah Dari prancis, bukan unt…
- 213/365, Black and White, my safe area #365alhamdulillahproject
- 214/365, I wish to have a VW car that I can use for mobile library but it must be R…
- 215/365, si merah yang udah bareng Ama aku mulai Minggu pertama di Australia #365alha…
- 216/365, waaaa.. Thanks soo much, it’s crazy spending all day to pack books to be sen…
- 216/265, tomorrow’s deadline , "students at risk program".. Hope the yellow…
- 218/365, Love Love them .. #365alhamdulillahproject
- 219/365, if I’m a dubber, this is the conversation of those doves gonna be: Birdie 1…
- 220/365,I’ve never thought that I can be this close to a goose, when I was a child, e…
- 221/365, the garden on the roof top seen from my classroom building #365alhamdulillah…
- 222/365, today’s samoan performance .. .. I Like That brown caramelised skin of them,…
- 223/365, we used to have security bus until 6 am, until the budget cut happens then t…
- 224/365,uuuuu no matter what, i love this kind of car #365alhamdulillahproject
- 225/365, in my last post I had the picture of two doves seen together around praying …
- 226/365, Well I usually teach college students, but this time I teach kids how to rea…
- 227/365, my neughborhood ☺️#365alhamdulillahproject
- 228/365, This suppose to be a heart shaped balloon #365alhamdulillahproject
- 229/365, This class is hard, the extensive discussion exercise class and the girl ne…
- 230/365, ehmmmm… Ah, why I feel sad#365alhamdulillahproject
- 231/365, if I have my own book, I will have that pose for the cover..xixixixi #365alh…
- 232/365, spending the weekend with Gaby and look at this cute koala
- 233/365, my leadership certificate #365alhamdulillahproject
- 234/365, look..Sofia from above #365alhamdulillahproject
- 235/365, since the end of may, La Trobe has had policy of free smoke university …an…
- 236/365, I guess this is the second week of her pregnancy Mama birdie becomes fat now…
- 236/365, yesterday when I was cleaning and packing, I found this design, the design o…
- 238/365, kalo anak aceh y di Melbourne pasti udah sangat kenal dengan daerah ini, Bor…
- 239/365, pick The one which is not included #365alhamdulillahproject
- 240/365, because they are red, so I like them #365alhamdulillahproject
- 241/365, personally I don’t really like cake, I prefer godok2, timphan, boh rom2 or g…
- 242/365, one very important box in my uni life, a submission box I talked to my frie…
- 243/365, aw… Howard is back, so glad to have him in class, hE always reminds us abo…
- 244/365, my second Piggy bank mission.. Last June I’ve had almost $ 700 this time I’v…
- 244/365, The branches , I sleep and just watch the sky, it’s beautifullll But not to…
- 246/365, today’s creativity with my group, instead of giving Summary of "literac…
- 247/365, seems very familiar… #365alhamdulillahproject
- 248/365, Me: kakak, ambil potonya pas ada y lari ya Kak alma : kenapa? Biar nampak d…
- 249/365, senja di waktu itu #365alhamdulillahproject
- 250/365, terasa lapak ini hanya milik kita #365alhamdulillahproject
- 251/365, when I saw this, I feel like in the scene "transformer" movie … …
- 252/365, aaahh.. I need This too In Indonesia tap water , everywhere.. Anywhere #365…
- 253/365, life simple, this is what I’ve learned from the owner of this house, thank y…
- 254/365, last time when I wanna take th3 picture of this house, the tram was passing …
- 255/365, Dutch houses.. One day perhaps #365alhamdulillahproject
- 256/365, seen yesterday in front of maccas, Kalo g salah ini kotak listrik gtu, Jadi …
- 257/365, one of my favourite buildings in uni
- 258/365, when I look at that bridge, it looks like a matchmaker that links Two buildi…
- 259/365, ready to go to uni with my beloved lunch bag, it fits my lunch, dinner, frui…
- 260/365, wow.. I need to keep this pic, my submission for my postgraduate life .. Bye…
- 261/365, my Shasmin’s hand, a very active baby girl #365alhamdulillahproject
- 262/365, ready for holiday #365alhamdulillahproject
- 263/365, thank you guys for The Farewell, I haven’t read the card though.. I’m gonna …
- 264/365,thank you roommie, is it necessary to hold hands get well soon and visit me …
- 265/365, judulnya "bermalam di Malaysia" #365alhamdulillahproject
- 266/365, thank you for being with me bag #365alhamdulillahproject
- 267/365, two convenient stores right in front of my house #365alhamdulillahproject
- 267/365,aaaaaaa…cute cat #365alhamdulillahproject
- 269/365, family gathering #365alhamdulillahproject
- 270/365, my best friend’s cutie came and visited me #365alhamdulillahproject
- 271/365, i can see how we are different even from the way we write our invitation, th…
- 272/365, the list of new couple for this month who will tie the knot # 365alhamdulill…
- 273/365, last time, I went home from Australia for his wedding, now he goes home from…
- 274/365, my henna for tomorrow’s ceremony, now I really feel like a bride … bismill…
- 275/365, here we are…I’ve been travelled all around and I find you nearby #365alham…
- 276/365, that’s my man #365alhamdulillahproject
- 277/365., My siblings,minus the girly one in West Java…I believe that family is the…
- 278/365, new baby is coming #365alhamdulillahproject
- 279/365, thank you kakak for the wedding present…we love it sooooo much #365alhamdu…
- 281/365, for the first time .. I came to barbershops Hahahaha #365alhamdulillahproje…
- 282/365, my future helper as I’ve already bought a new sewing machine… Wifey timeee…
- 283/365, marriage is not about two person but two families … Alhamdulillah i meet s…
- 284/365, attending our friend’s ceremony #365alhamdulillahproject
- 285/365, the pregnant mommy waiting for the food while we were having dinner #365alha…
- 286/365, meeting with our wedding organizer for the decoration concept #365alhamdulil…
- 287/365, picking the invitation cards… Aaaa.. Too many option we read some familia…
- 287/365, our love bird,love the colour #365alhamdulillahproject
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