From POTRAIT. Posted by Revival’s capture on 12/30/2013 (52 items)
- mom and dad — it’s little bit blurry especially on my mom’s face
- mirror look
- christi, my new friend
- it reminds me of my granny
- Ahlan wa sahlan
- kak uti
- bang panda
- kak atun
- the security guard during the royal tour
- my girl, Grestl
- u "pretend" to look serious dear 😛
- adek momol
- oom security
- my sister, the youngest one
- Gabriella Grasita, si adek galau,,xixixi
- Mas Em-em, photographer professional 🙂
- kak Asmarita Ahmad, my first friend in La Trobe University
- uuu..my travel mate from Bhutan, Tashi 🙂
- Love the background , the knit of grand mosque Baiturrahman made by my mother —…
- A girl in red — Aceh, 2015
- Banda Aceh,2015
- That love from a mother to a daughter, the birthday girl — Banda Aceh, May 2015
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