Tag: Banda aceh
How do I start my teaching career
I don’t really think about this question until my students asked me ” miss, when did you realise that you want to be a teacher? I think, time leads me this way..it was back in 2009 when I was in my last year of college , I got the offer to teach in vocational college…
Lampu’uk, Kamu ngangenin!
Mulai dari main air “klepek-klepek” di pesisir New south wales , ngejar camar di Bondi beach sampai ber”wow” ria di sepanjang Great Ocean Road.. tapi itu tidak menghilangkan kerinduanku akan pantai-pantai y ada di ujung Sumatra, pantai y ada di Aceh. Sebagai negara Kepulauan, tentunya Indonesia punya banyak pantai y wajib disinggahi kalau kita pergi…
Rempongnya proyek “transformer “
Tunjuk tangan siapa y wilayahnya atau rumahnya atau gampongnya (kampungnya*) lagi didatangin transformer? Apa pulak itu transformer? Transformer itu sebutan aku buat mobil beko y kerjaannya nyongkel2 parit ..sebenarnya sih emang lebih cepat pake transformer dibandingkan di gali sama tukang ..tapi buk ya, karena transformer y datang itu besar jadi paret sih emang tegali, tapi…
Show it off and talk about it
” Once you get the opportunity, you will be the ambassador of your country, how do you introduce your culture to the world?” ” Well, I know that I am not good at dancing but what I can do to introduce my culture is through show it to people, for example , right now I…